Git Cheatsheet



Git is an open-source control software allowing you to take snapshots. Git is the bone and flesh of open source control. Git is the most popular source control software in the world.


1.Github is an application allowing you to store repositories.

2.Github is used to allow other people to add to the project.

3.Git is a open source control software designed to handle everything from small to very large projects.

4.Git is easy to learn and understand.

The terminal

Terminal is a way to interact with your operating system directly.

CD command

CD command is used to change the directory.

cd folder name

For going back to window drive cd..

Website to download Git 1.

CONFIGURE TOOLING Configure user information from all local repositories.

git config –global”[name]” sets the name you want to be attached to your commit transaction.

git config –global”[email]” select the email you want to be attached to your commit transaction.

CREATE REPOSITORIES Start a new repository.

git init [repository - name] Create a new local repository with the specified name.

git clone [URL] Download a project and its entire history.

MAKE CHANGES git status list all new or modified files

git add [file] Add the file

git reset [file] Unstaged the file.

git commit -m “message” Commit a file.

git revert [copied commit] Revert bascially takes a commit and reverse it.

BRANCH A chain of the commit that does not interface with other branches.

git branch list all local branches in the current repository.

git branch [branch-name] Create a new branch.

git checkout [branch-name] switch to the specified branch.

git merge [branch] Combined specified branch into current branch

git branch -d [branch -name] Delete the specified branch.

REFACTOR FILENAMES Remove versioned files

git rm [file] Delete the specified file from working directory and stages the deletion.

git mv [file - original] [file -renamed] change the file name.



git log Lists history of the current branch.

git diff [first- branch]…[second-branch] Shows the content difference between two branches


git reset –hard [commit]### Discard all history and changes back to the specified commit.


Written on January 24, 2020